Banana treat

Posted on March 27, 2018
Mandi Paiken

6 overripe bananas, frozen

1 cup blackberries, frozen

2 tsp, fresh lemon juice (optional)

Peel bananas, cut into chunks and freeze. Freeze blackberries

Put bananas into the bowl of your food processor and pulse until crumbly. Using a spoon or a spatula, wipe down the sides of the bowl, pushing the banana batter back into the bowl. Continue pulsing until mixture turns soft and creamy.

Remove half and eat plain, or with a handful of chopped nuts mixed in.

Add blackberries and lemon juice to the remaining ice cream and pulse for another minute or two until smooth.

Remove and serve immediately or freeze until ready to serve, you can try if with strawberries, raspberries, blueberries or mango, or for a less fruity flavor mix in some cocoa powder, coffee or nut butter.